Meet the Team


Dr Amit Rajput


GMC Number:7408528

Qualifications: MBChB (Birmingham 2013), MRCGP, PG Diploma Clinical Dermatology (Distinction) 

Bio: I qualified as a Doctor in 2013 and then went on to do my GP training in Solihull. I recently joined Lordswood Medical Group as a GP Partner in February 2022. I have a desire to improve patient access and experience through digital transformation within healthcare and am always looking for innovative ways to optimise the patient journey. I like to think I am friendly, approachable and a very good listener. I am involved with teaching Birmingham University medical students at the practice as the Year 3 Tutor. I also have a regular community dermatology clinic in Solihull.
Areas of specialist interest: Dermatology, Joint Injections, Teaching Medical Students.
Clinical sessions:
Monday – No
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – No
Thursday – Yes
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Dr Arun Bahal


GMC Number: 6073125

Qualifications: MBChB (Honours, 2003), MRCGP (Distinction, 2008), DFSRH (2008), DOccMed (2022).

Bio: I qualified as a doctor from the University of Birmingham in 2003, and completed General Practice training in South Birmingham in 2008. I have worked at Lordswood Medical Group since, primarily at the Quinton Family Practice site. I strive to provide the highest level of care for patients, and to improve services. I have been an Undergraduate Tutor for Birmingham University Medical Students. My other roles and areas of interest include Joint Injections, Learning Disabilities, Safeguarding and Occupational Health.
Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – No
Thursday – Yes
Friday – Yes

Dr Deepali Misra-Sharp


GMC Number: 7083112

Qualifications:  BMBS (2010), DRCOG (2014), DSFRH (2015), FRCGP, BMS Menopause Specialist

Dr Misra-Sharp qualified as a Doctor from the University of Nottingham Graduate Medicine Program in 2010 and completed her subsequent Foundation and Specialist training in Glasgow.
She has been awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners (FRCGP) in recognition of her significant contribution to General practice and Women’s health.  As well as being a generalist she enjoys the breadth and variety of General Practice that being a Partner at Lordswood House Medical group offers and particularly enjoys developing and growing new services within the practice.
Dr Misra-Sharp has always had a passion for female health and has undertaken additional higher training with the Postgraduate Diplomas of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare and The Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In recent years she has focused her interest on Menopause care and has attained the Advanced Certificate in Principles and Practice of Menopause Care certification with the British Menopause Society and is on the BMS register of Menopause Specialists making her one of only 240 registered specialists in the UK.
Dr Misra-Sharp remains committed to championing better menopause care across her work and helping women through their reproductive and menopause journey.
Dr Misra-Sharp has additional qualifications in Substance Misuse which she utilises to work collaboratively to build recovery within the local community.
Areas of specialist interest : Clinical Lead: Women’s Health, Clinical Lead: Substance Misuse, Clinical Lead: GP  – Complaints, Clinical Lead: Health and Inequality, Neonatal Health.
Clinical sessions:
Monday – No
Tuesday – Yes 
Wednesday – Yes 
Thursday – Yes
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Dr Katie White


GMC Number: 6166738

Qualifications: MBChB (Honours), DRCOG, PGDip, MRCGP, MRCP

Bio: I qualified as a doctor in 2008 from the University of Birmingham with honours. I worked for four years in hospital medicine, and gained my MRCP qualification. I then completed GP training in 2017. I joined Lordswood as a trainee GP, was then appointed as a salaried doctor, and now have the honour of being a partner! I am a GP trainer, as well as having training and supervisory roles for multiple additional roles for the practice and PCN. I have set up the practice paramedic team, and have an interest in developing new roles within primary care to support our service, and to provide the best patient and clinical care possible. I lead our diabetes service, and initiate both insulin and injectable diabetes medications. I also have an interest in complex medicine and chronic disease management.

Areas of specialist interest: Diabetes, Complex Chronic Disease Management, GP Training, Service Provision.

Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – No
Wednesday- Yes
Thursday- Yes
Friday – No

Dr Elizabeth England


GMC Number 4536271

Qualifications: MBBS (Kings, London) 1999, BSc. 1996, MRCGP 2006, MSc. Primary care Sciences 2008, PhD Medicine 2014

Bio: I qualified as a doctor in 1999 and have worked in Birmingham since then. I am passionate about improving mental health services and completed my PhD in First Episode Psychosis in 2014. I have worked in a number of leadership and commissioning roles locally in Birmingham and the Black Country CCG and nationally as RCGP Mental Health Lead until recently. I also enjoy academic work and teaching.  

Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – No
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Dr Vishanka Ratnasuriya MBE


GMC Number: 6107062

Qualifications: MB ChB ( Birmingham) 2004, BMedSc(hons), DOHNS, DCH, DipSEM, FRCGP

Bio: I Qualified as a doctor in 2004, and after 18 months at the Royal Wolverhampton Hospital, I returned to live in Harborne and train in our local Birmingham’s hospitals. Having trained at Lordswood from 2007, I became a partner in 2010. I value the relationships we build with patients and their families, the shared understanding and decision-making this helps, and therefore continuity Lordswood offers its patients.  I strive to improve services to help prevent more ill-health, provide more much needed access, alongside continuity that many (but not all) patients desire.   This has led me to seek leadership roles to support and improve practices whether in quality and standards of services offered, in recruiting and retain workforce, or develop completely new services, to ultimately serve our patients better and more resiliently. As such, in 2015 I was elected Chair of Our Health Partnership, which supports 47 practices across Birmingham and Shropshire as well as 10 Primary Care Networks (which deliver services across groupings of practices). I have national roles within the NHS Assembly and the NHS Confederation which allows me to find out about the best of what’s happening nationally and bring that back home to our practice. In 2018 I was awarded an MBE for ‘services to General Practice in the West Midlands’
Areas of specialist interest: Sports and Exercise Medicine, Joint Injections, Neonatal Health, Clinical mentoring, Clinical Leadership and service development.
Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – No
Thursday – No
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Dr William Taylor


GMC Number: 3071584

Qualifications: MB ChB ( Birmingham), MRCGP (Dist) 2007, MCEM (2006)
Bio: I Qualified as a doctor in 2000, and have worked at Lordswood since 2007. I am passionate about improving services for patients and being able to improve the barriers to good healthcare I see daily effecting my patients. This has driven me to take on senior leadership roles, including until spring 2022, being the Chair of Birmingham and Solihull CCG, and now the Chief Medical Officer of NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire. I am also a GP trainer and train new GPs in the practice.
Areas of specialist interest: Clinical Leadership, GP Training, Joint injections.
Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – No
Wednesday – No
Thursday – Yes
Friday – No
Saturday – No


Dr Anna McGowan

Salaried GP

Qualifications: MBChB Birmingham 2005. MRCGP 2016. DFSRH
Menopause Specialist

Bio: I have worked in South Birmingham since qualifiying as a GP in 2016 and have recently joined Lordswood. I also work as a training programme director in Dudley for the GP scheme and insert and remove contraceptive coils and implants.

Special Interests: Contraception & Medical Education

Clinical sessions:
Monday – No
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – No
Friday – No
Saturday – No

Dr Dannielle Lam

Salaried GP

GMC Number: 7411625
Qualifications: MBBS (King’s College London 2013), MRCGP 2018

Bio: I previously worked in London and Dudley before joining Lordswood in early 2022.
Clinical sessions:
Monday – No
Tuesday – No
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – Yes
Friday – Yes

Dr Josephine White

Salaried GP

GMC Number: 7494884
Qualifications: MB ChB (Hons) (Leicester). MRCGP 2021

Bio: I qualified as a doctor in 2015, completed my post graduate training in Birmingham and have worked at Lordswood since 2022. I thoroughly enjoyed my training and took on additional leadership roles by acting as the trainee representative at a regional level for the Royal College of General Practitioners. I am currently completing a Fellowship aimed at improving leadership skills within General Practice with the aim of enhancing patient care. I am passionate about Women’s health and intend to continue to expand my portfolio and provide more services to women locally.
Outside of work, I enjoy gardening, nice long dog walks and plenty of good food!

Clinical sessions:
Monday – No
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – No
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Dr Justine Palmer

Salaried GP

GMC Number: 3616035
Qualifications: Qualifications – MBBS [Newcastle 1992] DCH, MRCGP

Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – No
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – Yes
Friday – No
Saturday – No

Dr Kathryn Wallace

Salaried GP

Qualifications: MBChB 2004 (Birmingham), MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG, DFSRH

Clinical sessions: Children’s and Women’s Health, COPD
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – No
Thursday – Yes
Friday – No
Saturday – No

Dr Layla Eagles

Salaried GP

Qualifications: MBChB (Hons) Liverpool 2008. MRCGP 2016

Bio: I worked as an NHS Physiotherapist before returning to university to study Medicine.  After graduating in 2008 from the University of Liverpool I worked as junior doctor at Imperial College in London.  In 2013, I returned to my hometown and have enjoyed working as a GP in South Birmingham since then.

Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – No
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – Yes
Friday – No
Saturday – No

Dr Monisha Sinha

Salaried GP

GMC Number: 7408567
Qualifications: MBChB (Birmingham 2013), BSc (Hons), MSc Biotechnology 2017, MSc Medical Molecular Biology 2018, MRCGP 2018

Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – No
Thursday – Yes
Friday – No
Saturday – No

Dr Rosalind Marns

Salaried GP

GMC Number: 3583708
Qualifications: MB ChB (Birmingham 1992) MRCP UK (London) 1996 Certificate in Diabetes Care (Warwick) 2012

Bio: I qualified as a Dr in 1992, and following several years working in hospital medicine I switched to General Practice, qualifying as a GP in 1999. I worked as hospital practitioner in cardiology outpatients for 20 years in Dudley alongside part time General Practice. I have recently moved to Lordswood from my previous practice in Brierley Hill, and I am looking forward to getting to know both the staff and patients well. 
I am passionate about providing the best possible care I can for my patients, and have special interests in cardiology and general medicine. 
Special Interests: Cardiology, General Medicine
Clinical sessions:
Monday – No
Tuesday – No
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – No
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Dr Shamil Haroon

Salaried GP

GMC Number: 6135487
Qualifications: MBChB, PhD, MPH, BMedSci, FFP, MRCGP.

Bio: A general practitioner, public health researcher, and honorary consultant in public health. I am passionate about primary care, public health, and research, focusing on chronic diseases and respiratory health. I strive to deliver high-quality clinical care alongside research, teaching, and public health expertise
Areas of specialist interest: Respiratory health, population health, and research. 
Clinical sessions:
Monday – No
Tuesday – No
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday –Yes
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Dr Tom Giles

Salaried GP

GMC Number: 7130089
Qualifications: MBChB (Birmingham), PgDip SEM, MRCGP

Bio: I graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2011 and completed my GP training in the West Midlands in 2016 and relatively recently joined Lordswood in August 2022. Since starting my career in general practice, I have developed a special interest in Sports and Exercise Medicine, completing a Post-Graduate Diploma at University of Bath in 2021. At Lordswood I am actively involved in medical student teaching as well as performing joint injections and I am the clinical lead for respiratory conditions.
Areas of specialist interest: Sports and Exercise Medicine, Joint Injections, Medical Student Training, Respiratory Medicine
Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – No
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Nursing Team


Nurses are an important part of delivering care in general practice

General practice nurses work as part of the primary healthcare team, which might include doctors, pharmacists and dietitians. We have several practice nurses sharing duties and responsibilities such as;

  • obtaining blood samples · electrocardiograms (ECGs)
  • minor and complex wound management including leg ulcers
  • travel health advice and vaccinations
  • child immunisations and advice
  • family planning & women’s health including cervical smears
  • men’s health screening
  • sexual health services
  • smoking cessation
  • screening and helping patients to manage long term conditions

Sian Taggart

Nurse Team Leader

Pin Number 01C1856E

Linda Moodley


Pin Number 89H07050E

Zoe Townend


Pin Number: 87G0841E

Mandy Harrison


Pin Number: 92Y1475E


Melanie Patel


Pin Number: 87G0818E

Health Care Assistants

To support the practice nursing team in the delivery of nursing services, working as part of the practice multidisciplinary team, delivering care within their scope of practice to the entitled patient population.

The healthcare assistant will deliver and assist clinical staff in the provision of treatment, preventative care, health promotion and patient education.

Health Care Assistant


Health Care Assistant


Health Care Assistant


Phlebotomy Team

A phlebotomist will take blood samples from patients, which are examined in a laboratory and the results can be used to quickly diagnose diseases and conditions. 







Practice Team

Emma Gray

Practice Manager – Operations & HR


Jenny Beckford

Practice Manager – Patient Services


Sarah Kempster

Reception Manager


Lucy Jones

Reception Manager


Healthcare Team

Anisa Ali

Clinical Pharmacist


Matthew Cox

Clinical Pharmacist


Sarah Hayden


Registration No.: PA35516
The paramedic team deal with on the day emergencies as well as treat and support our housebound patients, and those receiving palliative care at home. The paramedic team work directly with our GP and district nursing teams, to improve patient care.

Qualifications: Foundation Diploma in Paramedic Science, Minor Illness and Minor Injury qualifications.

Bio: I joined the ambulance service in 2005, qualifying as a Paramedic in 2012. I worked predominately as a solo paramedic on a rapid response vehicle. I left West Midlands Ambulance Service in 2016 to work within an urgent care centre and accident and emergency department, where I worked towards my additional minor injury and illness qualifications.
I have worked within a primary care setting since 2018 and have a specialist interest in Palliative care.

Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – No
Wednesday – Yes
Thursday – Yes
Friday – Yes

Primary Care Network Staff

PCN Paramedics

PCN paramedics provide both telephone assessment and face to face assessment of patients within the surgery and also conduct home visits for those patients who are housebound. They are able to assess and treat minor illness presentations and will seek the support of a GP to manage more complex cases.

Carly Jones



Qualifications: BTEC Level 4 Paramedic Practice, Post Graduate Qualifications in Advanced Patient Assessment and Minor Illness, Level 7 First Contact Practice Primary Care (Paramedic)

Bio: I commenced my training as a paramedic in 2010 with London Ambulance Service, qualifying as a paramedic in 2012. I worked for the ambulance service for 5 years, during this time I was also studying part time modules at University of Hertfordshire in patient assessment and minor illness management in order to work as an Emergency Care Practitioner. Since leaving the ambulance service, I have worked in various roles in urgent care centres, community teams and primary care, assessing and managing patients with GP support.

Clinical sessions:
Monday – Yes
Tuesday – Yes
Wednesday – No
Thursday – No
Friday – Yes
Saturday – No

Dave Bayliss



Mandy Strutt



David Davies



Divya Shetty


First Contact Physiotherapists (FCP) are experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapists, with many years’ experiences working in MSK. Patients can see our FCP for an assessment directly at their GP practice, without needing to see a GP or be referred externally.

Physician Associates

Physician associates are medically trained, generalist healthcare professionals, who work alongside our doctors to provide medical care as an important part of our clinical team. Our PAs can take full medication histories, examine patients and provide plans for treatment and further tests which might be needed. They are able to see patients with on-the-day as well as long-term conditions and are an important part of our team in getting to know patients well and seeing them on a long-term basis. Our physician associates work independently at the practice and have dedicated GP supervision and support.

Monisha Kumar

Physician Associate (PA)


Clinician Pharmacist

Elaine Povey

Clinician Pharmacist


Sharonjit Johall

Clinician Pharmacist


Ros McGill

Clinician Pharmacist


Care Co-Ordinators

It is our responsibility to consult with patients to discuss specific needs and developing an individualized plan of action that includes, coordination from all parties involved in order to provide the best possible patient care. We will support the frail, elderly, and anyone needing guidance with the right pathway.

Bronwyn Dare


Danneka Moore


Alison Wildman


Hannah Nicholls


Social Prescribing

Anna Walker


Our social prescriber is available for patients and their families/carers to self-refer to, as well as from referrals following an appointment with a member of our GP team. If you feel that you or a member of your family would benefit from help from the social prescribing team, then please contact reception and a member of our team can arrange for an assessment.

The role of the social prescriber is to work with a wide range of people, including those with one or more long-term conditions, needing mental health support, people who may feel lonely or isolated, and those who have complex social needs which are affecting their well – being. Social prescribers can give patients time, and take a holistic approach to their health, well-being and home life. Our social prescribers do a lot of work with local community groups, in which our patients can get involved with – and some are even running some of our groups themselves!