NHS Diabetes Programme

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This winter, NHS services remain under continued, significant pressure, with challenges to
timely admission and discharge of patients impacting on patient flow and subsequent
services to patients. The NHS is also seeing a rapid increase in hospital admissions for
COVID-19 and an increase in COVID-19-related staff absences and is anticipating a high
prevalence of flu based on evidence from other countries.

We also know that getting COVID-19 or flu can make someone very ill if they are living with
a long-term health condition like diabetes. Therefore, we want to encourage patients and
healthcare professionals to protect themselves with the COVID-19 and flu vaccinations.

The NHS Diabetes Programme has produced this toolkit to help you support the NHS,
patients living with diabetes and their healthcare professionals through your
communications this winter. Please use the key messages, social media posts,
bulletin copy and text message copy below across your channels.

Key messages

• People living with diabetes are more at risk of getting the flu and are greater risk of
severe illness from it
• People living with diabetes are more at risk of complications from COVID-19
• People living with diabetes should protect themselves by getting the flu jab as soon
as they’re offered it, or contact their GP practice or visit their local pharmacy to make
an appointment
• People living with diabetes should protect themselves by getting the COVID-19 jab
as soon as they’re offered it, or contact their GP practice, 119 or visit
nhs.uk/covidvaccine to make an appointment
• Healthcare professionals can ensure that people living with diabetes are kept safe by
having the flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

Social media posts

Living with diabetes does not mean you’re more likely to get flu or COVID-19, but it does
mean you could become seriously ill if you catch them. This applies to all types of
diabetes. Book your free flu and COVID-19 vaccinations today.

People living with diabetes have a higher risk of becoming seriously ill if they get flu or
COVID-19, and vaccines are the most effective way to prevent that from happening.
Protect yourself this winter. Book your free flu and COVID-19 vaccinations today.

The effects of flu and COVID-19 can be more serious if you live with diabetes. The free flu
and COVID-19 vaccines can boost your immunity this winter. Book yours today.

Healthcare professionals can help keep themselves and their patients safe this winter by
getting the free flu and COVID-19 vaccinations. Book yours today.

Bulletin copy for patients

People living with all types of diabetes have a higher risk of becoming seriously ill if they get
flu or COVID-19, and vaccines are the most effective way to prevent that from happening.
You don’t need to wait to be contacted to get vaccinated – boost your immunity this winter by
booking your free flu and COVID-19 jabs today. www.nhs.uk/wintervaccinations

Bulletin copy for healthcare professionals

If you’re a healthcare professional, help keep yourself and your patients safe this winter by
getting the free flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
Developing flu and COVID-19 can lead to vulnerable patients – including those living with a
long term condition like diabetes – becoming seriously ill and even requiring hospitalisation.
Book your vaccinations today. www.nhs.uk/wintervaccinations

Text message copy for patients

People living with all types of diabetes have a higher risk of becoming seriously ill if they get
flu or COVID-19, and vaccines are the most effective way to prevent that from happening.
Book your free flu and COVID-19 jabs today. www.nhs.uk/wintervaccinations


For more information about any of the above, please contact:
• Rabinder Bhachu – rabinderbhachu@nhs.net
• Kelly McGinty – kelly.mcginty2@nhs.net