Travel Appointments
If you need a travel appointment, this needs to be booked at least 8 weeks prior to travel.
Please remember that some travel vaccinations are provided by the NHS but some vaccinations are chargeable. For these, you will need to attend a private travel clinic.
You may need malaria tablets and some of these are available to purchase at the pharmacy but others are only available on private prescription and therefore you are required to pay the pharmacy for these as well as a £15.00 private prescription fee. The nurse will explain any charges to you.
If your travel is short notice and no appointments are available here, then you may have to go to a private travel clinic.
The local private travel clinics are:
Superdrug Travel Clinic
0333 3111007
Boots Travel Clinic
Birmingham City Centre and Longbridge.
We offer a full travel advice and NHS immunisation service. Please choose a topic to see more information.
Before you travel, it’s important to find out whether you will need vaccinations for the country you’re visiting. The following websites will help you: