The goals that Birmingham City Council is seeking to achieve for adults and older people are that they should be resilient, living independently whenever possible and exercising choice and control.
Website: Birmingham Adult Social Care and Health
Telephone: 0121 303 1234
Birmingham Carer Hub
Carers UK makes life better for carers. We give expert advice, information and support. Caring can be extremely complicated. Our expert telephone advice and support service is here if you want to talk about caring. If you’re looking for answers, our online information and support is the best place to start.
Address: 76-78 Boldmere Road
Sutton Coldfield
B73 5TJ
Telephone: 0333 006 9711
Selly Oak Live at Home Scheme
This scheme enables older people to stay living independently in their own homes for as long as possible, with the best possible quality of life.
Age Concern Birmingham
Welcome To Age Concern Birmingham. We are committed to tackling the challenges faced by an ageing society and is dedicated to helping people make the most of later life.
Our vision is to excel in all our endeavours to meet the needs of older people and others in need. When supporting individuals we focus on their individual needs, drawing on our wide range of services to offer the best possible help, support, and advice.
Address: 76-78 Boldmere Road, Sutton Coldfield, B73 5TJ
Telephone: 0121 362 3650
Website: Age Concern Birmingham