Birmingham Wheelchair Service

Do I qualify for a wheelchair assessment from Birmingham Wheelchair Service?

  • Do I have a Birmingham GP?
  • Do I need a wheelchair for more than 6 months?
    Will I use the wheelchair 5 times a week or more, for an hour or more at a time?
  • Do I have a medical condition which affects my ability to walk in the home or outdoors?

If you answer yes to all of the above questions you should complete a referral form and send it to the service.

How do I refer?

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, you should complete a referral form and send to the service.

You can contact the service to request a paper referral form or download from their website.

Address: West Midlands Rehab Centre
91 Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak
Birmingham, B29 6JA

Telephone: 0121 466 3220
8:30am – 4:30pm

Fax: 0121 471 3690
(For patient sensitive information)



Repairs: Ross Care (Birmingham only) – 0121 328 0227