Self-referral for maternity care

If you have a positive pregnancy test you can now make your own online self-referral for your maternity care, without needing to see a doctor or nurse at the practice.

Our practice is now registered and listed on the online referral portal, so all you need to do to refer for your maternity care is visiting the secure link below and provide the information requested. You’ll need your NHS number and the name of the practice, with which you must be registered.

The information you provide will be used to process your referral by both the community maternity team assigned to our practice and the booking office of your chosen hospital within Birmingham and Solihull. A copy of your referral will also be shared with us, your GP Practice, for information. Click on this link or type into your browser using your mobile phone or digital device (laptop/ computer) – it’s quick and easy and will just take a few minutes. This link can also be used to refer a pregnancy on behalf of someone else, providing you have her consent.

IMPORTANT: You need to search for the GP practice site by the POSTCODE in the drop-down list to complete your SPA portal referral. Your referral can only be processed based on the information you provide and can delay your care if incorrect information is provided.  Lordswood – B17 9DB, Selcroft – B32 2BX or Quinton Family – B32 1QG

You’ll be able to select a first, second and third preferred choice of hospitals to provide your care and for the birth of your baby; we have a number of birthing facilitating:

UHB- Good Hope Hospital

0121 424 7620

UHB – Birmingham Heartlands Hospital

0121 424 2729

Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital

0121 335 8100

If you would like to refer to any other hospital then please speak with your community midwife at your first ante-natal booking appointment or contact your GP.

Useful information: to support you throughout your pregnancy

Information guides on all you need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth.

The Ask the Midwife – a  live zoom session hosted by consultant midwives, Health Visitors and clinical staff to answer questions on pregnancy, birth and caring for your baby.

Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) a team of people who provide feedback about local maternity systems to a panel of maternity health professionals from service users on co-production to improve services.

Bump (Birmingham & Solihull United Maternity and Newborn Partnership). Uniting maternity services; in Birmingham and Solihull to improve your maternity experience. Together Bump partners offer you personalised care, with more choice about your care – for both you and your baby.

The community midwifery team assigned to your GP Practice will contact you, please allow up to 7-10 working days for your referral to be processed, however if you do not hear from the team, within this period, please contact the midwife directly via the details listed below:

Community Midwife contact details:

Quinton Lane Team: 0121 426 2743 Monday to Friday 9-10am and 4-5pm.

One of the team members will contact you once your referral is processed. If you have any technical problems using the web address, please email

Patient Leaflet

Travel Service

Travel Appointments

If you need a travel appointment, this needs to be booked at least 8 weeks prior to travel.

Please remember that some travel vaccinations are provided by the NHS but some vaccinations are chargeable.  For these, you will need to attend a private travel clinic.

You may need malaria tablets and some of these are available to purchase at the pharmacy but others are only available on private prescription and therefore you are required to pay the pharmacy for these as well as a £15.00 private prescription fee. The nurse will explain any charges to you.

If your travel is short notice and no appointments are available here, then you may have to go to a private travel clinic.

The local private travel clinics are:

Superdrug Travel Clinic

0333 3111007


Boots Travel Clinic

Birmingham City Centre and Longbridge.


We offer a full travel advice and NHS immunisation service. Please choose a topic to see more information.

Before you travel, it’s important to find out whether you will need vaccinations for the country you’re visiting. The following websites will help you:

Travel Health

Travel Advice

Vaccination and Immunisation


Travel Pro


Blood Tests

Please note that owing to Coronavirus pandemic, all blood tests are now are by appointment only. All patients need to book an appointment for their blood test.

Social Prescribing

What is Social Prescribing? At times we feel ‘unwell’, ‘out of sorts’ or ‘below par’ and a medical prescription is not the answer. What we are lacking is company, interests, or a change of scene to make us feel connected and motivated. Or perhaps we need counselling or more exercise to keep our bodies strong and our minds stimulated. Our health and wellbeing starts with taking care of ourselves as best as we can. Ask yourself:

  • What do you need to help you feel more included?
  • What could you do to feel happier in yourself?
  • Do you want to make new friends?
  • Are you aware of what is going on in your local area?
  • Where are the exercise classes or social groups you could join?

That’s where social prescribing comes in! Our free Social Prescribing service can provide you with a personal Health and Wellbeing Partner who will help you identify one or more activities to improve your wellbeing and support you in starting it. How does it work? One of our Health and Wellbeing Partners will meet with you to chat about your lifestyle and help you to identify activities that will benefit you and help you reach your goals. The Health and Wellbeing Partners can help connect you to local services and activities to improve your physical and mental wellbeing:

  • Counselling
  • Arts and crafts
  • Advice and guidance
  • Addition support
  • Physical activity
  • Culture
  • Eating Well
  • Meeting People

You are eligible if you are:

  • Over the age of 16
  • Need some support, guidance and encouragement to improve your mental or physical health and wellbeing
  • A patient at an Our Health Partnership GP Practice

How to get started: Speak with us at the practice, or contact:

First Contact Physiotherapist

Patients can book appointments with our first contact physiotherapist themselves directly by calling our reception team. We really encourage our patients to see our physiotherapist first for the conditions below, as they are experts in these problems. Our physiotherapist is trained in assessing, diagnosing and treating the following conditions.

i. All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries

ii. Arthritis – any joint

iii. Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or bone, eg tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains

iv. Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid-back pain and neck pain

v. Spinal-related pain in arms or legs, including nerve symptoms, eg pins and needles or numbness

vi. Changes to walking

vii. Post-orthopaedic surgery

Our physiotherapist can also refer you on to specialist services if needed.

Private Services

Lordswood Dentist

Anne-Marie Ross
Call 0121 428 4294 for further information or to book an appointment


Geoff Hale
Tel: 0121 420 4340 or 01902 714491


Knights Pharmacy
T: 0121 427 8687
A: 54 Lordswood Rd, Birmingham B17 9DB
Knights Pharmacy based at Lordswood Surgery provides an exceptional service for you and your family. Their highly trained and dedicated pharmacy teams are there to help in every aspect of your wellbeing and to give sound professional advice when you need it.

Selcroft Pharmacy
T: 0121 427 6060
A: Selcroft Avenue, Quinton, Birmingham, B32 2BX
Selcroft Pharmacy based at Selcroft Medical Practice offers a range of dispensing services alongside a selection of specialist services with private consultancy available.
Their highly experienced and trained staff are happy to look after your repeat prescriptions and offer necessary patients a FREE home delivery service.


There are occasions when patients need to be assessed by the doctor which might involve intimate examinations.

The practice is committed to putting patients at ease whenever possible, and if you wish a chaperone to be present during your examination please do not hesitate to ask the doctor.

Trust is important in the relationship between GP and patient, and we would, at all times, wish you to feel able to ask for a chaperone, should you require.

Wound care and Suture Removal

If you require wound care or suture removal, please make an appointment to see either a nurse or HCA.

If a change of dressing on a regular basis is required, please contact the reception team at your earliest convenience to arrange your appointments.

Veteran Health

Veteran Friendly Practice

    This means that you can expect the following from our practice:

  1. You can make an appointment to see our clinical lead for veteran’s health (Dr Jake Matthews Aug 2023 – Feb 2025). Dr Matthews has a comprehensive understanding of the Armed Forces, health conditions linked to service, and the dedicated support you can access.
  2. We will ask all patients if they have served in the UK Armed Forces (as a regular or reservist). If you have, we will note this in your medical record, with your permission.
  3. We will ask you to share details of your time in service to help us to assess the best support and treatment for you.
  4. We will let you know what choices are available for your care and treatment and help you to make informed decisions on what to do.
  5. Where appropriate and with your consent, we can refer you to dedicated veterans health services.
  6. If you need to be seen by another service, we will let them know you’re a veteran and make sure they have an understanding of your health and wellbeing needs, so you don’t have to keep repeating your ‘personal story’
  7. We can give advice and support to your loved ones who may be affected by your health conditions
  8. We will investigate any issues and complaints that you may have about your care. If you have any concerns about the services we offer, please speak to one of the practice team.

What is the Armed Forces Covenant?

The NHS has a duty to deliver on a number of health commitments, which are set out in the Armed Forces Covenant as follows:

  1. The Armed Forces community should enjoy the same standard of, and access to healthcare as that received by any other UK citizen in the area they live.
  2. Family members should retain their place on any NHS waiting list, if moved around the UK due to the service person being posted.
  3. Veterans should receive priority treatment for a condition which relates to their service, subject to clinical need.
  4. Those injured in service should be cared for in a way that reflects the nation’s moral obligation to them, by healthcare professionals who have an understanding of the Armed Forces culture.

This is reflected in principle four of the NHS Constitution, which states ‘the NHS will ensure that in line with the Armed Forces Covenant, those in the Armed Forces, reservists, their families and veterans are not disadvantaged in accessing health services in the area they reside’.




Patient Charter

Women’s Health

HRT and Menopause

Lordswood House Medical Group is committed to providing the best possible treatment to our patients who may be experiencing symptoms of peri – menopause and menopause. 

We have been providing support to patients through the development of a pathway for those seeking help with their peri/menopause symptoms.  Most women of 45 years of age and over do not typically need blood tests to diagnose menopause.  We know that your natural Oestrogen levels are depleting and that symptoms will emerge.  Symptoms are varied and we assess women on an individual basis based on their clinical presentation.  

Ongoing discussions with patients are crucial to consider the best care moving forward, which balance the patient’s needs with safe, evidence-based practice.  We pride ourselves in delivering a holistic approach within the framework of an NHS Service.

We review patients at regular intervals once they have commenced hormone replacement therapy.  Lifestyle discussions around support to stop smoking, reducing and moderating alcohol use and diet and exercise are at the heart of the patient experience.  During the patient consultations we also review the uptake of NHS routine cervical screening and mammography screening.

Patients who contact us for help with any peri/menopause symptoms should be aware that this is quite an in-depth process to get the right treatment in place and it can sometimes take time for symptoms to settle.  There is a considerable amount of information for you to read about how we can help you. Please see our useful links and our frequently asked questions to help navigate you through this process.

Frequently asked Questions:

Veterans FAQ


Coil & IUD Checklist:

Coil IUD Checklist

Menopause Advice:

Menopause Advice Sheet

Menopause/HRT Feedback Form:

HRT Feedback

Useful Links: